<![CDATA[BRANCH BROOK PARK ALLIANCE - News]]>Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:53:46 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[Public Notice: Green Acres Application "Basketball Courts & Public Restroom" Renovation]]>Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:33:24 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/public-notice-green-acres-application-basketball-courts-public-restroom-renovationPURPOSE
Branch Brook Park Alliance is seeking funding through the State of New Jersey Green Acres Program for improvements at Essex County Branch Brook Park, located at Clifton Ave and 7th Ave in Newark, New Jersey.
Branch Brook Park Alliance proposes to renovate the following facilities: basketball courts and public restroom. A concept plan showing the proposed changes, a preliminary cost estimate, and an environmental impact assessment for the project can be found at www.branchbrookpark.org/capitalprojects
A copy of the full application will be on file at the offices of Branch Brook Park Alliance, 290 West Mt. Pleasant Ave, Suite #1320, Livingston, NJ 07039, as well as at the Green Acres office, and is available for review and comment. Written comments on the proposed application may shared at this online community input survey (click here). While the online survey is the prefered method, you may also direct inquires to Thomas B. Dougherty, Jr., President of Branch Brook Park Alliance at info@branchbrookpark.org, and by mail at 290 West Mt. Pleasant Ave, Suite #1320, Livingston, NJ 07039.]]>
<![CDATA[Public Notice: Green Acres Application "Three Diamond Baseball Fields" Renovation]]>Fri, 10 Feb 2023 14:42:57 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/public-notice9747812PUBLIC NOTICE – For the purpose of applying for funding from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program for improvements to Branch Brook Park.

Notice is hereby given that the Branch Brook Park Alliance, in coordination with the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs, intends to make application for funding to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program for the improvement of Branch Brook Park.

The Branch Brook Park Alliance is seeking funding through the State of NJ Green Acres Program for improvements to Branch Brook Park located at 340-700 Lake Street, Newark, NJ 07104. The Branch Brook Park Alliance proposes to renovate three baseball fields at Branch Brook Park. A concept plan showing the proposed changes and a preliminary cost estimate can be found at: www.branchbrookpark.org. A copy of the application will be on file at the offices of the Branch Brook Park Alliance, 115 Clifton Avenue, Newark, NJ 07104, as well as at the Green Acres office, and is available for review and comment.

Written comments on the proposed application may be directed to the following person. 

Josh Zaitz
Contracts Administrator
115 Clifton Avenue, Newark, NJ 07104

Concept Plan

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Cost Estimate

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<![CDATA[“Thriller”, Halloween Candy, Pumpkin Painting, Community Wellness and More at Branch Brook Park Fest on October 29]]>Mon, 24 Oct 2022 16:36:39 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/thriller-halloween-candy-pumpkin-painting-community-wellness-and-more-at-branch-brook-park-fest-on-october-29NEWS RELEASE
“Thriller”, Halloween Candy, Pumpkin Painting, Community Wellness and More at Branch Brook Park Fest on October 29
NEWARK, New Jersey --- Branch Brook Park Alliance (BBPA) will host the final Branch Brook Park Fest of the 2022 season on Saturday, October 29 (rain date: Sunday, October 30). Join the community in Prudential Concert Grove at Essex County Branch Brook Park from 11am-5pm, for a day of family friendly fun.  The morning will feature wellness activations such as Zumba and yoga, while the afternoon will feature performances, art activations, health screenings, vendors and more! Branch Brook Park Fest brings together community members, wellness organizations, local business owners, artists and visitors and features vendors, live music, interactive art, and more.

“We have come down to the final Fest of the season and we are ending this year with a BANG! Grab your costumes and come down to Branch Brook Park for an afternoon full of healthy, family-friendly activities”, said Kevin Mejia, Program Director – Care of the Park, BBPA. “It will be the perfect mix of a health & wellness fest with a twist of Halloween. And although it could be scary, I encourage everyone to take advantage of the available health screenings and COVID shots.”

Saturday’s event will feature a special dance lesson and flash mob performance of the iconic Halloween tune, “Thriller” (produced by Creative Outlet).  Attendees will also be able to paint pumpkins, connect with nonprofit resource groups, and participate in multiple art activations.  Youth attendees will be treated to Halloween candy.  The Fest will feature more than 30 vendors, including: Salaam Ice Cream, Yassentials Herbal Body Care, and Intimate Me Boutique.  Live music will be provided by DJ Fauzi, the NJPAC Quartet, and saxophonist Brandon Mejia. Branch Brook Park Fest is a production of the Branch Brook Park Community Ambassadors, a network of professionals who donate their time and talent in support of ongoing stewardship and activation of Essex County Branch Brook Park.

“Our final Park Fest of the year celebrates art and wellness with a harvest theme, featuring six arts activations and family-friendly activities including glass-etching with GlassRoots, fabric printmaking and a marbelization workshop.  As the historic designer of the Park, a Frederick Law Olmsted impersonator will be handing out candy to the kids.  There’s something for everyone at Branch Brook Park Fest,” says Linda Morgan, Co-Chair of the Community Ambassador group.
All are invited to attend this free outdoor program!

We are thankful to the premier sponsors of this event: Essex County Department of Parks Recreation and Cultural Affairs, The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey, The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation and our overall marquee sponsor, Prudential Financial.
About Branch Brook Park Alliance
Branch Brook Park Alliance is a public/private partnership with Essex County and the Department of Parks Recreation and Cultural Affairs formed in 1999 to restore and maintain the historic 360-acre park conceived by Frederick Law Olmsted.  More than $50 million has been raised for improvements that include the largest and most varied cherry tree collection in the country.  Each year Essex County Branch Brook Park serves over a million visitors. branchbrookpark.org
<![CDATA[Branch Brook Park Alliance to Host Wellness & Art Festival on Saturday, Sept. 10]]>Thu, 08 Sep 2022 04:00:00 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/branch-brook-park-alliance-to-host-wellness-art-festival-on-saturday-sept-10NEWS RELEASE 

Branch Brook Park Alliance to Host Festival on Saturday, Sept. 10 

NEWARK, New Jersey --- Branch Brook Park Alliance (BBPA) will host the fourth Branch Brook Park Fest on Saturday, September 10 from 9 am to 4 pm in the Prudential Concert Grove at Branch Brook Park (rain date: Sunday September 11).  Now in its second season, this program series brings together community members, local business owners, artists and visitors for an afternoon of family-friendly activities. The event features vendors, live music, interactive art, and wellness activations. 

“The Community Ambassadors of the Branch Brook Park Alliance and I invite you to join us in celebration of health and wellbeing through the activation of the historic landscape of Branch Brook Park,” said Kevin Meija, Program Director – Care of the Park, BBPA. “Through our series of Fests, we hope to inspire the surrounding community to take ownership of the park, to not only use it to commemorate life's most precious memories, but as a place to escape the city's hustle and bustle. We hope to continue this series of Fests for years to come to serve as a platform for the amazing local art and artists we have in the city of Newark.” 

Saturday’s event features vendors such as Wright Way Micro-Farm, Infinity Sisters Collections, and H.E.A.L. Beauty.  Live music will be provided by DJ Shell Spin and live/interactive art activities will be provided by Andrece Brady.  Branch Brook Park Fest is a production of the Branch Brook Park Community Ambassadors, a network of professionals who donate their time and talent in support of ongoing stewardship and activation of Essex County Branch Brook Park.  

“Park Fest showcases Newark’s local talent in an historic, bucolic setting, where visitors can engage with local artists in making an art project to take home, hear live music, and buy fresh produce and locally-produced goods”, says Linda Morgan, Co-Chair of the Community Ambassador group. “The Community Ambassadors welcome everyone to come out and enjoy this beautiful park.” ​Community members from across the greater Newark area are invited to attend this free outdoor program.  Additional programs will be held on October 1 and October 29.  

The event is sponsored by: County of Essex; Essex County Parks System; Branch Brook Park Alliance; Prudential; The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey; The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey; and Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.

About Branch Brook Park Alliance 
Branch Brook Park Alliance is a public/private partnership with Essex County and the Department of Parks Recreation and Cultural Affairs.  The organization champions a masterwork of landscape architecture, conceived by Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. and designed by the Olmsted Brothers. The centerpiece of the first county park system in America located in the renaissance city of Newark, Essex County Branch Brook Park now enjoys new life. Together with a community of friends, the organization restored the park’s historic design and are refreshing it for today's lively use. branchbrookpark.org  
 NEWARK, New Jersey --- Branch Brook Park Alliance (BBPA) will host the fourth Branch Brook Park Fest on Saturday, September 10 from 9 am to 4 pm in the Prudential Concert Grove at Branch Brook Park (rain date: Sunday September 11). Now in its second season, this program series brings together community members, local business owners, artists and visitors for an afternoon of family-friendly activities. The event features vendors, live music, interactive art, and more. 
“The Community Ambassadors of the Branch Brook Park Alliance and I invite you to join us in celebration of health and wellbeing through the activation of the historic landscape of Branch Brook Park,” said Kevin Meija, Program Director – Care of the Park, BBPA. “Through our series of Fests, we hope to inspire the surrounding community to take ownership of their park, to not only use it to commemorate life's most precious memories, but as a place to escape the city's hustle and bustle. We hope to continue this series of Fests for years to come to serve as a platform for the amazing local art and artists we have in the city of Newark.” 
Saturday’s event features vendors such as Wright Way Micro-Farm, Infinity Sisters Collections, and H.E.A.L. Beauty. Live music will be provided by DJ Shell Spin and live/interactive art activities will be provided by Andrece Brady. Branch Brook Park Fest is a production of the Branch Brook Park Community Ambassadors, a network of professionals who donate their time and talent in support of ongoing stewardship and activation of Essex County Branch Brook Park. 
“Park Fest showcases Newark’s local talent in an historic, bucolic setting, where visitors can engage with local artists in making an art project to take home, hear live music, and buy fresh produce and locally-produced goods”, says Linda Morgan, Co-Chair of the Community 
<![CDATA[Branch Brook Park Alliance: Community Ambassadors - Present - Branch Brook Park Fest, a free pilot community program.]]>Thu, 16 Sep 2021 14:46:48 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/branch-brook-park-alliance-community-ambassadors-presentbranch-brook-park-fest-a-free-pilot-community-programNewark, NJ (September14, 2021) 

Branch Brook Park Alliance’s Community Ambassadors announce a free community market entitled “Branch Brook Park Fest.” This pilot program will occur on two Saturdays, September 18 and October 9, 2021, weather permitting, next to the Prudential Concert Grove of Branch Brook Park from 10 am to 4 pm. 
With the support of the County of Essex, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
(Horizon BCBSNJ), Branch Brook Park Alliance, and Jersey Cares, this inaugural community festival will bring music, fresh foods and produce, crafts, health and fitness activities to residents and visitors of the Park in celebration of the beauty and vibrancy of Branch Brook Park this autumn.
Branch Brook Park Fest will engage residents, local artisans, community organizations and visitors in supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs gathered in a beautiful setting in the Prudential Concert Grove overlooking the Lake.  Over 50 vendors are participating, with music offered throughout the festival by “Roc and the Collective,” “Key Change” and other local performers. Wellness activities will occur between 10 am and noon, including yoga by Lotus Yoga, as well as bike and running club meet-ups. Covid tests and vaccines will be administered by the Essex County Health Department and La Casa de Don Pedro. There will be flame-working demonstrations by GlassRoots, story time with the Newark Public Library, and opportunities to buy produce from Urban Agriculture Cooperative and other vendors selling specialty foods and products.  Horizon’s bilingual field team will also be available to help attendees sign up for health insurance and benefit from lower premiums now available through the American Rescue Plan. 

“People of every ethnicity, color and religion are encouraged to enjoy the green landscape, to relax or engage in activities while being nurtured by nature,” said Barbara Bell Coleman, co-chair of the Branch Brook Park Alliance.  “The Park continues to be a special healing place for Newark residents and surrounding communities.  We are grateful to the Community Ambassadors who organized the Fest at a time when all of us are eager to attend activities in a safe outdoor venue.”
The Fests will feature vendors such as MasterPows hot sauces, Tonnies Minis cupcakes, Makerhoods market, Fern & Fossil terrariums, Creative Candies chocolates, vintage and Newark-themed clothing, health and beauty products, specialty foods and crafts.  Bands and local musicians will perform at both events.
“Horizon’s Affinity Groups represent the diversity of our employees and the clients we serve.  The eight Affinity Groups in New Jersey consist of employees sharing common interests, culture, backgrounds, and experiences,” said Jonathan R. Pearson, Executive Director, The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey.  “Community engagement is a key part of our outreach and we are pleased that our Latin American Cultural Organization Affinity Group is sponsoring the Branch Brook Park Fest.”  
About the Branch Brook Park Alliance
Branch Brook Park Alliance is a public/private partnership with Essex County and the Department of Parks Recreation and Cultural Affairs formed in 1999 to restore and maintain the historic 360-acre park conceived by Frederick Law Olmsted.  More than $50 million has been raised for improvements that include the largest and most varied cherry tree collection in the country.  Each year Branch Brook Park serves over a million visitors.  Major sponsors include Prudential, the Ryan Family Foundation, Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NJ, PSEG, the Victoria Foundation, Turrell Fund, The Hyde and Watson Foundation and the Dodge Foundation.   
About The Community Ambassadors of the Branch Brook Park Alliance:
The Community Ambassadors of the Branch Brook Park Alliance are a group of young leaders in Newark dedicated to promoting the conservation and community use of the Park.  Formed in 2021, the Ambassadors have organized wellness programming and community activities in the Park, including the inaugural Branch Brook Park Fests.
About Jersey Cares:
Jersey Cares, a nonprofit organization, established in 1993, recruits and engages volunteers in rewarding, effective efforts that address community-identified needs. We partner with local nonprofits to identify needs and implement volunteer projects to meet these needs.
Press Contact:  Thomas Dougherty, Care of the Park
<![CDATA[Branch Brook Park Alliance Joins Olmsted 200 Campaign as a Celebration Partner]]>Thu, 25 Mar 2021 22:27:28 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/branch-brook-park-alliance-joins-olmsted-200-campaign-as-a-celebration-partnerBranch Brook Park Alliance is a proud celebration partner of the Olmsted 200 campaign, a nationwide celebration honoring the Bicentennial of the birth of Frederick Law Olmsted (FLO) in 2022.  Olmsted is the famed 19th-century author, public official, urban planner and founder of American landscape architecture whose vision of “parks for all people” helped shape American culture.

The Bicentennial will include national and local events, advocacy and education about Olmsted’s life, legacy and values in order to build public and policy support for America’s natural and historic spaces.

For more information and resources, visit www.Olmsted200.org and sign up for the monthly newspaper, Olmsted Insider, which will provide timely information about the Campaign in 2021 and 2022.
<![CDATA[Horizon Awards $75,000 Grant to Branch Brook Park Alliance’s Legacy Program, Care of the Park]]>Tue, 07 Jul 2020 12:09:39 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/horizon-awards-75000-grant-to-branch-brook-park-alliances-legacy-program-care-of-the-park
June 20, 2020
Barbara Bell Coleman Co-Chair, Branch Brook Park Alliance  info@branchbrookpark.org 
(973) 969-1189 

         Newark, NJ June 5, 2020—Branch Brook Park Alliance received a grant in the amount of $75,000 from Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey (BCBSNJ) through the Community Foundation of New Jersey. The donation made from Horizon BCBSNJ’s philanthropic arm, The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey, will be used to fund the Alliance’s Care of the Park program, an initiative that provides physical activity, fitness, and nutrition education opportunities at Essex County Branch Brook Park in Newark. 
        “We are pleased Horizon is partnering with us to spread the good news we have known for over a century! The importance of Parks to the health of people and particularly those living in cities. A safe space, the park is free and accessible. A sacred space, it is where people of all walks of life particularly community residents get to breathe, exercise and for a moment, put worries aside and be nurtured by nature,” said Barbara Bell Coleman. She added, “And the presence of our small but impactful team also shows we care about them.” 
      As the conservancy for Essex County Branch Brook Park, we aim to place a spotlight on the Park while assisting to maintain the recent $50 million investment jointly raised by Branch Brook Park Alliance in partnership with the County. In the field of health and wellness, through Care of the Park, we motivate residents to participate in regularly scheduled physical activity. Our Community Walk & Talk and gardening stewardship programs place an emphasis on the increase of low-to-moderate daily physical activity for all ages. Our Park Ambassador summer youth employment program and Community Day programs motivate, equip, and inspire residents from surrounding communities to improve healthy eating habits through health education and nutritional knowledge.  
      “Horizon BCBSNJ has been an extremely generous corporate neighbor who has helped to raise awareness about Branch Brook Park’s legacy and promote the public health benefits of open spaces, especially in urban areas. We also have enjoyed a great relationship with the Branch Brook Park Alliance, which has worked side by side with Essex County to restore and transform Branch Brook Park into a showcase that meets the recreation needs of the community while preserving its historic treasures. This grant epitomizes the types of partnerships that are needed to maintain our parks and recreation facilities and what can be accomplished when everyone shares a common goal,” said Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo. 
        We increase the positive utilization of Essex County Branch Brook Park by bringing together a multitude of people of all ages and diverse backgrounds in the Park's ongoing enjoyment and care. We stand for Frederick Law Olmsted's belief in the Park's power to change the character of our city, enhance the appeal of our county, and elicit joy, pride, and a sense of ownership among citizens throughout our state. Olmsted's design intentionally sought to serve as meeting grounds for people of different backgrounds and economic means. This vision lives on in work supported by Branch Brook Park Alliance through Care of the Park. The team develops community partnerships that demonstrate it is possible to care for the Park and as well as the health, and well-being of our community. 
        “Horizon is pleased to support the important work being done by Branch Brook Park Alliance to increase physical activity, fitness and nutrition education opportunities at Essex County Branch Brook Park in Newark,” said Jonathan R. Pearson, Executive Director of The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey. “The Branch Brook Park Alliance‘s Care of the Park program aligns with Horizon’s commitment to helping our members access the resources they need to manage their health. With a pandemic that limited many personal fitness activities to the home for several months, Essex County residents can now enjoy outside exercise and recreational activities at one of New Jersey’s premier park venues right in their own backyard.” 
         About The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey  The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey is committed to working alongside those who can help us improve our neighbors’ health, inform their health decisions and inspire them to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. The Foundation’s mission is to support organization’s that make New Jersey healthier. The Foundation has three funding pillars, Caring, Connecting and Creating. Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey is the sole member of The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey, both of which are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. For more information please visit www.community.horizonblue.com. 
        About The Community Foundation of New Jersey  The fiduciary support of the Community Foundation of NJ (CFNJ), which manages all financial matters on Branch Brook Park Alliance’s behalf, enables CFNJ to serve as the not-for-profit recipient of all funding targeted for the Care of the Park legacy initiative. The Community Foundation of New Jersey creates and scales custom solutions for purpose-driven individuals, families, and businesses. From creative projects that tackle critical societal or policy issues to scholarship funds, corporate philanthropy, legacy funds and donor advised funds, the Community Foundation manages nearly every kind of giving vehicle and tailors solutions to meet critical needs. The Community Foundation’s team of specialists understand the unique contours of communities and manage the scope of the Community Foundation’s investment and grant making capabilities with precision. For more information on the Community foundation of New Jersey please visit www.cfnj.org.  
       About Branch Brook Park Alliance  We champion a masterwork of landscape architecture, conceived by Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. and designed by the Olmsted Brothers. The centerpiece of the first county park system in America located in the renaissance city of Newark, Essex County Branch Brook Park now enjoys new life. Together with a community of friends, we restored the park’s historic design and are refreshing it for today's lively use. We are Branch Brook Park Alliance, a public/private partnership organized in 1999. We provide design expertise and funding support to help Essex County with ongoing stewardship. Projects already completed by the partnership are new ball fields, extensive cherry tree plantings and restoration of historic park sites set the stage for complete renewal.

​For more information on Branch Brook Park Alliance, please visit: www.branchbrookpark.org or call (973) 9691189. 
<![CDATA[New York Times Feature]]>Wed, 29 Apr 2020 19:32:11 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/7375014The Defiant Beauty of Cherry Blossom Season
Festivals might be canceled but the trees are still doing their thing. And you can see some of them from a safe distance.
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<![CDATA[Public Notice]]>Fri, 17 Apr 2020 17:01:48 GMThttps://branchbrookpark.org/news/public-noticeBranch Brook Park Alliance, Newark, New Jersey

       PUBLIC NOTICE – For the purpose of applying for funding from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program for improvements to Branch Brook Park.
       Notice is hereby given that the Branch Brook Park Alliance, in coordination with the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs, intends to make application for funding to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program for the improvement of Branch Brook Park. A copy of the application will be on file at the Branch Brook Park Alliance and at Green Acres and available for review and comment after the March 30, 2019 submission deadline.]]>